he left for egypt on 9 feb. but until now there's no sms, no call, no emails, nothing. i wonder what happened to him, is he doing fine, sihat? sejuk? kenapa la hubby ni buat perangai cam gini. i've settle some amount into his prepaid phone, tapi bila call tak pernah dapat macam dia tak on hp. geram juga. i can be an impatient type, entah2 bila dia landed bukannya senyuman aku beri, i could be silent all the way home. that will makes him wonder.
the kids behaves so well, eventhou at times aku mikirkan benda buruk2 sebab takut tinggal 3 beranak kat umah, what i do is zikir banyak2 and baca yassin tetiap malam. dengan cara itu aku beroelah ketenangan, apart from other caution step i've taken.
next week ambil 2 hari cuti, sebab nak kemas rumah, put on some decorations, make some surprises sambut hubby balik. and the 2nd day nak ajak kids keluar jalan2 dgn papa dia.