yeyeyeyyahoooooo the trip to T'ganu+klate was cancelled due to the kepialu disease yg kritikal. oh seronotnyersss... kalau tak kesian anak2ku tpaksa ditinggalkan.
last nite lepas maghrib hubby ajak gi singgah selalu for dinner. and nak ajak dalam 20 org gitu kekawan dia makan. and the miserable episode began.
baby and abang masuk kat dalam playroom yg penuh dgn bola and some kids. lepas drop 'em kat situ aku pon tengok2ler handphone corner betul2 seblah pintu playroom. after a couple of minute gitu hubby came back and say mama tak nampak ke baby nangis tu tangan tersepit pintu! o my God anak akuuu!
obviously hubby said he saw from inside the restaurant that a boy throw a ball at her, so she wants to get out of there and unfortunately when she stand at the door somebody came in and that's when accident happen.
aiyaaahhh why me so carelessssss... rasa bersalah sangat, macam nak nangis tapi pakkal je depan2 org ramai. baby keep on crying. so lepas kekawan hubby datang, we left abang with them and hubby drove us to nearest klinik. the doctor gave her a jab and some dressing. lepas tu barule dia berhenti nangis and baru ada mood nak bcakap and makan kek.
oooh tragedi sungguh kurasakan. and this morning hubby left very early for Pulau Sibu. baby and abang nangis lagi kat umah babysitter... rasa macam tak nak gi kerja... tapi opis ni bukan aku punya so dari melangkah keluar rumah till now ni perasaan berserabut still dgn rasa bersalah kat baby...oooohhh....:(
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