Monday, March 06, 2006

Hujung minggu yang sgt meletihkan. Walhal bukannya buat kerja berat. And i have make sure i take a proper meal for preggy mom. Balik keja on friday terus gosok baju2 hubby nak ceramah. kemas apa yg patut and terus fetch anak2 drive balik kg. Rasa Gelang Patah tersangat jauh walaupun cuma 45 min drive. Sampai lagi 2-3 minit nak maghrib. Kids dah lelap dalam keta, so just bual2 dgn mak ayah kat dapur. as usual, morning sickness yg dah linger till malam memang tak dapat elak. nak cepat2 tidor coz malas nak layan muntah. but thinking that i'll only spend a nite kat kg, maka masih jugak ku melepak dgn mak. mak kata sejak rasa cina aritu aku tak balik... satu bulan! tapi tak rasa pun cam satu bulan. yeah i know. bila aku tua nanti surely aku akan seperti mereka, menghitung hari bila anak pulang menjenguk...

Sebab kena keja malam sabtu, i decide nak balik before lunch, for i need to settle things kat rumah, kemas, laundry, lipat baju, siram pokok, longkang, garaj, backyard.. the list goes... at least bila hubby balik malam nanti rumah tak la sepah. and i want to see my husband w/pun sekejap before he is engaged with his ceramah routine. then angah call from batu Pahat said she is coming with her youngest son. Lama tak jumpa Angah, so thats it. rindu pada kakak, so i decide balik petang sikit w/pun i know kelam kabut nanti nak prepare to work.

We missed each other, rite sista?
Good that i stay a while that afternoon. Kids sgt girang dpt jumpa theirs cousin, and i had enjoyed my time masakkan & suapkan makan budak2 tu dgn Adib Faris. Also i cooked a simple meal for Angah yg sakit tekak, tak leh makan solid food. Glad i were there to hear her "mengadu" bout her condition. layankan anak dia so she can rest.

later i went back to my house and arrive around 4.30 pm. not feeling very well, sumthing like macam perut masuk angin, you know you gonna vomit but donno when. kuar masuk bilik air. mak pulak terlupa yang she got to come back early sebab aku nak hantar anak gi rumah dia. i call abah they still kat rumah kenduri. then seb baik hubby balik just on time. aku tgh kemban tuala drebar dah sampai.

Keja malam
at the workplace i know if i not careful i'll pengsan tgh orang ramai tu. arranged with the driver to fetch me up early. luckily the ceremony starts right on time. after the first course i dah tak tahan, and the car arrive 15 mins late. melanggar peraturan protokol, if u really have to leave, inform the host or mintak diri only after the second course is served. sorry. i have tried my best and did my bit for the majlis. as i predicted, i throw up kat pokok rambutan depan rumah mak metua the minute i step out from the car. Kira ok lah tu berjaya kontrol ayu. Dulu2 siap penah soh drebar stop keta tepi jalan and yucksss...

and sunday passed with the same situation, morning, noon, night sickness watever i call it. laundry yg terbengkalai, baju yg bertimbun tak dilipat... kesian sekali anak2 yg tertanya2 kenapa mama dia lembik tak bermaya....

pa, terima kasih kerana amat memahami keadaan ma...

Not so good, body and mind...
So today i confirm with my college that he can replace me for the Karnival Sure Heboh kat Nilai. He has been asking me last week if he could go there this weekend. Based on my condition right now, there's no guarantee that i'll be in a high spirit to entertain public yg berduyun ke booth. lagi pitam ada gamaknyer.

its either my body change drastically, or karenah aku yg macam2. feel soooo uncomfortable dgn all these baju kurung that i have to wear to work. as if choking my tummy. haven't got time to shop for maternity bras (extremely needed) ... my boobs swollen macam hapa ntah. but it is not the time to wear baju mengandung. geli, perut kecik agik dah sibuk pakai maternity wear nanti orang kata show off.....

bersabaaarrr sajalahhh....