last nite went for dinner kat mandarin, dgn few other vip. the food was good, the bad thing was i lost my handphone. tried to call my number but there's no coverage. so when i'm back at the hotel i called hubby, he then said to let it go, buy a new one. Aiya so der trouble lah all those important numbers in the hp!...
this morning i try again and a girl pick up said that her boss found the phone in the ladies. me so careless! the girl refuse to mail it to me coz she said surely broken if she post.. wat da hell, now i think dun want to keep it anymore, tonight will go out wif hubby to buy new one, OR he buy a new phone for himself, i use his. wateverlah, anything shud be fine coz i frequently use the hp only to call peoples, really basic/simple ler... nothing other stuff i need like organizer ke WAP, GPRS and all that sort....
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