i'm bad, baru je bertekad untuk berjimat cermat, i've spent lebih seratus RM untuk membeli gelang kristal... ermmm tengah offer 40% less manela aku tak rambang biji mata. .to add some more, my fren yang kat KL kata Nilai Satu sekarang ni tgh top , coz bebarang kat situ murah giler kain baju langsir, grrrr geram amat aku dibuatnyer. nampaknyer 22 Julai ni kena gi KL maka akan susutlah poket aku hehehe...
i bought carnellian, clear quartz and smokey quartz. Geram aku tengok rose quartz cantik2 combination dgn kristal2 lain... amethyst cun giler...isskkk..mana satu nak nih? semalam dgn muka lawa dan gediknyer maka aku memujuk rayu hubby aku utk belikan aku gelang2 kristal yang lain... tapi lebih baik aku mintak duit dgn dia nak shopping kat NIlai One ekk?
Carnellian - For aids, strength ritual organs. Aids tissue regeneration . Abilitiy to see into one's true self and enhance positive aspect.
Clear quatrz - Amplifiers thought forms. Releases all colours of the rainbow making it an excellent energy balancer on all levels. Excellent for meditation. Aids connection to spirit guides and Higher Self.
Smoker quartz - Aida channelling and dream awareness abilities. Balance sexual energy.
Tak le percaya sangat actually. but believe that all these stones and other natural crystal (not stated here) have electromagnetic power that can intensify human electromagnetic filed / aura.
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