Thursday, February 22, 2007

I've been tagged by Kak Intan.
RULES: People who are tagged should write a blog post of 6 weird things about them as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says 'you are tagged' in their comments and tell them to read your blog.... (tulisan kaler hijau adalah ditiru dari blog kak intan)

Adekah ini dikatakan weird?

1) i use my hand alternately when writing - left first, bila penat tukar tangan kanan.

2) Love to watch what i label as "kartun tanah liat" - Wallace and Gromit, Wallace and Gromit in The Wererabbit, Pingu, Chicken Run dan yg sewaktu dengannya. Dah ada kids ni makin le menjadi2!

3) wud want to lastik my student using lastik getah and paper bullet becoz they really irritate me when they wears hipster jeans and baby T. Nampak bontot dan suar dalam kaler apa, polka dot ke, g string... tapi kang kalau aku lastik kes penaya anak orang pulakkk....

4) i have something i dunno wat to call it - when dealing with people, sometime first time or second or third, i cud feel if he/she ade perangai yang buruk / ramai orang tak suka dia buat. Contoh - the person suka curi barang orang, or pandai putar belit cerita, berbohong, jenis backstabber, kaki kipas. Applicable most of the time (not all the time) when dealing face to face. Mebbe becoz i'm reading their body language? This is explainable only to myself so don't worry if u don't understand what i am talking about.

5) Agree that well carried poligamy will bring happiness, but hoping that it wont happened to me la!

6) to be continued...

will tag - sumie, dayat, yati, dilot.