Wednesday, April 07, 2004

happy belated birthday to baby..terlambat pulak..the cake was nice, the food was good, and the gathering is sooooo noisy with five kids in the house...papa bought baby a cute gold bracelet, which cost him Rm350. That surprise me,..coz i'm not into things like that, like my mother in law - "belikan le anak kau barang kemas...anak pompuan...." ...emm..earing tu pun aku belikan coz pak mentua yg sibuk sangat suruh cucu dia tu tindik telinga. sekali lak papa pulak belikan baby yeee??

rite now am looking for insuran pendidikan for her...nak open an account so duit raya ke duit sape2 bagi tu leh le bank tak, bank in kat aku jek selamat duit tu kang... althought i spent most of it to buy their things - pampers, milk, cloth bla bla bla

forgot to water my pokok2 bunga this morning. at a glance, dah nampak le 2-3 pasu nak layu.. esok public holiday kat sini..birthday sultan. so, boleh le aku berjalan2 ke nursery.

my boss dah balik from oversea nampaknye sedang mengdistributekan cokelat..ok, shall report to boss now tentang peristiwa2 sensasi alaf ini sepanjang dia tak de kat opis nih..biaselar, boss tak de aku le balaci yg tukang segala benda, nak mengadu sket pasal ade la benda nih ehehhe...